The Upshot Group's distinctive research capabilities provide clients with independent research and analysis from consultants and academic scholars on industry and functional topics. Clients can commission research for public or client-only use. We also develop and deliver custom workshops and seminars on our research and related topics.
Selected relevant published research:
IPO regulators gone wild, (forthcoming 2018), In D.J. Cumming & S.A. Johan (Eds.), The Oxford Handbook of IPOs. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Underwriter deal pipeline and the pricing of IPOs: (2016), Journal of Financial Economics, 120(2): 383-399.
The cost of distance on subsidiary performance: (2015), Asian Business & Management, 14: 171-193.
IPO waves and the issuance process: (2014), Journal of Corporate Finance, 25: 455-473.
Travel time and the liability of distance in foreign direct investment: Location choice and entry mode: (2012), Journal of International Business Studies, 42(5): 525-535.
Connecting flights: The time sink that kills profits: (2011), Harvard Business Review, December 2011, p. 30.
Impact of IPO coalition on deal completion: (2011), Venture Capital, 13(4): 313-336.
Contracting costs and information asymmetry reduction in cross-border M&A : (2011), Journal of Management Studies, 48 (3): 568-590.
The liability of distance in the investments of multinationals: (2011), AJBS, Best Paper Finalist.
Building generalized inverses of matrices using only row and column operators: (2010), Intl Journal of Mathematical Ed in Science and Tech, iFirst, 1-12.
Voting matrices and tie breaking: (2009): Intl Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics, 54(3), 437-470.
The eavesdropping number: (2009): Czech Journal of Mathematics, 59(134), 623-636.
Travel time and the liability of distance in foreign direct investment: (2008), UWO FGS.
Mergers and acquisitions: Text and cases: (2007), Sage Publications.
Digraphs and matrices: (2007) in Chapman and Hall, Handbook of Linear Algebra: CRC Press.
Advisor influence in strategic choice: (2006), SMS, Vienna.
Cross-border mergers and acquisitions: (2006), Fast and cheap?, AIB, Beijing, (Hanes Prize Finalist).
IPO failure: Not always a bad thing: (2006), AOM, Atlanta.
Agency and advisor quality in IPO withdrawal: (2006), AOM, Atlanta.
Asymptotic stability of the optimal partition: (2005), Linear Algebra and its Applications, 394: 145-167.
The Impact of coalition member quality on IPO outcomes: (2005), NFA, Montreal.
Batch organizational change – A structural model: (2004), ASAC, Quebec City.
How are resources turned into persistent competitive advantage: (2004), ASAC, Quebec City.